Mango's Seaside Grill Enjoy a romantic seaside dinner at Mango's Seaside Grill, who was recently named #1 romantic restaurant in Anguilla by USA Today! Check out the feature … [Continue reading]
Mango's Seaside Grill Enjoy a romantic seaside dinner at Mango's Seaside Grill, who was recently named #1 romantic restaurant in Anguilla by USA Today! Check out the feature … [Continue reading]
This week the Anguilla's Jammin' team hosted Miss Kourtney Smith's Grade Two class at the Aquaponic Farm. Her class focused on a unit with the central idea "the choices we make impact our environment." In Miss Smith's words, "In this unit, we are … [Continue reading]
The Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School's Music Department presents live in concert and "Under the Spotlight"-Years 1 to 6 students with performances on steelpan, concert band, recorder, piano, drums, bass, and vocal … [Continue reading]
It has been a fun winter filled with quality surfing waves here in Anguilla! From "big wave days" at Meads Bay... To small wave days at secret spots tucked away on Anguilla's northern coastline... ... Akio Lloyd of Surf AXA is THE guy … [Continue reading]
Since writing about da'Vida's Chicken Caesar Pizza in our previous Newsletter, we have received requests for more photos and information on this delectable pizza pie :-) Thin pizza crust (the dough is infused with zesty herbs) is baked to … [Continue reading]