In its heyday of the late 90’s, was literally “Anguilla on the Web.” It was the go-to source for everything about Anguilla. The most charming part of, though, was its extensive coverage of “the little news.”
It covered everything from the announcement of a new summer camp to Steel drum West Indies night. “Big news” might be on the order of the re-opening of Palm Grove after Hurricane Lenny. No news was too small, as this example about an 18-year old making model boats shows.
In short, gave you everything about Anguilla, including the kitchen sink! The news could be commercial or not. Club meetings, bodybuilding event or a local cricket match… covered it all, all the small news that was fit to post…
- Farmers’ offerings
- Carnival
- Music festivals
- Anguilla slang
- Recipes
- El Gelaterooo (mobile Anguilla Ice Cream emporium)
- Police Week Fashion Show
- Fundraisers
- The rope at Little Bay
- New scuba shops
- Art shows
- Where bands are playing
- If it was Anguillian, and if it was news, it made it into!
I can remember how my Dad anxiously awaited the latest edition of…