What the rest of the world calls it “New Year’s Eve,” we refer to is as “Old Year’s Night.” Is December 31st a day to be looking back, to savor achievements and reflect on what could have been done better? It seems to us that January 1 is the day to look forward to the year that is coming, to set goals.
Either way, Anguilla has loads going on. We covered Anacaona in an earlier post. Here are 3 more options for those on-island during the “high season”…
Cuisinart continues its tradition of legendary celebrations at both Le Bistro at Santorini and at Tokyo Bay. And please note…
While the recently launched “Anguilla Card” (from Anguilla-Beaches.com) does not normally cover 10% discounts for special events, CuisinArt (an Anguilla Card Partner) is extending 5% off to Card Holders for its Tokyo Bay celebration (more info on The Anguilla Card here)…

A third option is da’Vida, which is offering a full 10% to Anguilla Card Holders for its extravaganza, which is our usual Old/New Year’s hangout. Mom and Dad fade at midnight, but the girls head out for more, the night still young…

Ah, youth! Young or not-so-young, there’s a wonderful evening for all in Anguilla while the “old year” becomes “the new.”
Enjoy! And Happy New Year!