Channing Tatum, a rising Hollywood star who has appeared in such movies as Public Enemies with Johnny Depp and Dear John with Amanda Seyfried (which I have definitely watched too many times, with a box of tissues nearby), left Anguilla a few hours ago.
Rumored to have stayed at Viceroy (can anyone confirm?), those who met him had only nice things to say about him. We had spotted him the previous night at Pumphouse and Elvis’, where he posed for photos with fans, and generally seemed like a great down-to-earth guy.
We don’t like to bother the stars when they’re on vacation in Anguilla… it is their vacation, after all. But when we spotted him at the airport in Saint-Martin (and after a phone call to my best friend in Montreal who was the one who made me watch She’s the Man hundreds of times) we couldn’t resist asking for a photo– I mean, it was fate, right??
That’s Nori on his right and me (Yuki) on his left. I sure hope we see him return to our fair island. A genuinely nice man.
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