Anguilla Local News

Have you ever wondered what the parade looks like from the elevated vantage point of the stilt walkers? . . .

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 September 15, 1998 - Site Map - Click to enlarge pictures

Carnival 98 Parade of Troupes

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Now you can see for yourself. Vince Cate took these pictures while walking on stilts for 3 hours in Carnival 98's Parade of Troupes.

The parade is one of the high points of Carnival week, which also includes boat races, entertainment shows, street dances, pageants, and much more. You will see brightly costumed troupes of dancers, winners of the pageants, and stilt walkers. And you will see and hear Anguilla's best bands performing from trucks that are interspersed throughout the parade. This is an afternoon event for the whole family, one that winds around The Valley through crowds of carnival celebrants, then back to Carnival Village for a show.

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[Click to enlarge] [Click to enlarge] [Click to enlarge] is On Summer Vacation

The Anguilla Local News announced in the August 15 issue that it was going on a short summer vacation and would publish only a truncated edition of the news every two weeks.

In spite of that, people still expect in-depth news coverage:

Well as a natural born Anguillian, I am quite disappointed with the pictures from Carnival 1998 in your latest issue. I didn't see any picture of the people participating and making it great. There were not hardly enough pictures of Jouver't morning, parade, and the little piece of Last Lap. I was astonished to see that Anguilla's number one band the Vito Band also known to many as the Better Band, were not featured at all. There were no pictures or articles, even to their achievement of winning the title of Road March Champions for 1998 was not mentioned at all. I was disappointed and dismayed with the reviews that were put on the Internet. I hope to see better in the future.

Sincerely Jamila Connor and Monique Casey

Unfortunately, our reporter was off-island during Carnival. Pictures and reviews do not appear out of thin air. We were lucky that a few people volunteered to donate pictures they had taken to go on the web site. Anyone who participated in Carnival 98 is more than welcome to submit an article for possible publication in the Anguilla Local News.

The Daily Herald Newspaper

The Daily Herald is a regional newspaper published in Phillisburg, St Maarten. Naturally this paper covers St. Maarten and St. Martin, but it also has excellent coverage of Anguilla, Saba, St. Eustatius St. Kitts and Nevis, plus news from the other islands in the Caribbean, international, financial and sports news as well. The Herald's excellent news reports from Anguilla are the work of Brenda Carty. An example from the August 29, 1998 issue:
First Time for Anguilla At Commonwealth Games.

Three young Anguillians are to represent Anguilla at the Commonwealth Games in Malaysia next month. This is the first time ... Keithly Richardson, Timothy Brooks and Desiree Cox are the three Anguillian athletes. All are currently on athletic scholarships at Linwood College in Missouri and were chosen for having the best performance and times....

The Daily Herald is published Monday through Saturday and sells for EC$1 or US$0.50 on the news stands. You can subscribe and have it mailed to you by calling 25253 or 25697 in St. Maarten, the Netherland Antilles and talking to Julie. To subscribe in Anguilla, even for delivery in The Valley, call Brenda Carty at 1-264-497-3138 or fax to 1-264-497-8707, or email

Computer Boot Camp Is Over

[Click to enlarge] The Library Computer Club's was sad to see our favorite Italian leave. The club was able to offer intensive 8-week computer courses this summer, because we had accountant and business professor Gaetano Di Palo ("Nino") here from Naples. A young Anguillian, Marsha Duncan, did an outstanding job assisting. The programs, for both children and adults, ran from July 6 to August 27th. All students learned to use Windows 95, spreadsheets, and much more, and were presented with Certificates of Achievement by club president Leroy Hill. For full course outlines and many more pictures visit the boot camp web site.

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Nino was hosted by Sonesta, La Sirena, Fountain Beach, and two private homes. In return, Nino worked 20 hours per week in the club and countless hours preparing and advising students. Everyone sends him a big thank you. Now that Nino is gone, the club reverts to afternoon openings. The club lost Sean and Jo Hastings who taught on Wednesdays, as they are no longer available to volunteer. So it will only be open two times a week:

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On his last day, Nino takes a final stroll down Shoal Bay beach, his are the only footprints to grace the sand. If you would like to put your footprints here, and you are willing to teach some computer skills for 20 hours per week in return for free accomodations, please contact us at (the club would love to have a hardware technician).

The history of the Computer Club

Weather in Anguilla

Weather Summary Anguilla
Today: 86F 30C 71% Humidity, Partly Sunny September 15
Low temp since last news report 79F 26C
High temp since last news report 88F 31C
Low humidity since last news report 61%
Tropical storm web site Link
Five-day weather forecast Link
Live station in Anguilla Link

Updates and Feedback

Feedback on Directions. Jibralta wrote about our directions to Mimi Bay:
We had a very difficult time finding Mimi Bay and wanted to let you know that basing the directions on the school makes it nearly impossible to find as there are NO SIGNS for the school... there is a bright yellow shack with PURPLE SHUTTERS by the school that is a better sign post...

Being that you've lived there for so long and know where everything is be aware that you need to write directions for idiots who don't know where ANYTHING is... so what's obvious to you we drive right by...

As someone who writes directions/maps as part of her job (for my film crews to get to location) I am an expert at writing directions for chimpanzees... in other words, if it's possible to get lost ASSUME THEY WILL.

After we couldn't find Mimi Bay we asked locals and they gave us wrong directions too, so Nat from Palm Grove DREW US A MAP and then we found it.

Jibralta sent more tips as well, which we will publish later. This shows that we are getting to be "too local" and soon will not be able to give directions to anywhere. We have started to redo the directions in this web site, starting each trip from the airport parking lot which has a one-way exit!

Katouche Valley Is Private Property. Josephone Gumbs, Secretary of Thomakaty Link Ltd., located at View Fort, highest point on Crocus Hill, Anguilla, writes: Katouche Valley is actually private property. Clearly those persons who walk through the property without permission of the owners commit a trespass."

Web Sites About Anguilla, Mary Ann's tropical construction page has been updated with much more building news. We are about to start on the main waterfront house, so you might want to look at the house plans. Mary Ann needs help from readers of the Anguilla Local News. Does anyone have experience with self-cleaning swimming pools? Or chlorination systems that use salt water? If so, please email her at

Malliouhana hotel has a web page at

The Anguilla Home Page has a fresh look and a new Internet address:

Frangipani announces their web page at is the new official Internet address for Slick's web page. Help Slick Carty make it to the 2000 Paralympics in Sydney Australia!

Summer Shutdowns. Most restaurants in Anguilla are closed this month, but you can still get good ribs for lunch at Uncle Ernies and Smitty's is still open, and he has started to get fresh crayfish and lobsters again (after the summer interruption of the catch). is the Inns of Anguilla, a service which provides information and books reservations for small guest houses and inns, including Sydans, Sea View, La Palma, Ferryboat and Patsy's Villas.

Limetree House Villa in Cul de Sac now has a web page at

Reading Recovery in Anguilla

Reading Recovery is an early intervention programme designed to reduce reading and writing problems in schools. This programme which began in New Zealand in 1978 is now operating in many different education systems throughout the world: in Australia, Canada, USA and in the United Kingdom.

Anguilla will be the first country in the Caribbean to introduce Reading Recovery in all its primary schools. Ms Monica Harrigan has completed a year's intensive training at the University of London as a Reading Recovery Tutor and she will begin training eight experienced Anguillian teachers who have been selected to deliver the programme in local schools. A Reading Recovery Centre has been set up at the Department of Education, for training purposes, and the programme began with an official opening on Wednesday 9 September.

Children entering the programme in each school are those in Grade 1 classrooms who have the most difficulty with reading and writing after one year at school. The programme is different for every child. During the individual, daily , thirty minute lesson the focus is on comprehending messages (in reading) and constructing messages (in writing), so highest priority is given to children reading many books and writing their own stories.

Mrs Jean Prance, one of the Reading Recovery trainers from the University of London, is currently in Anguilla on the first of three visits to ensure that the programme is operated as designed and to ensure successful implementation with quality outcomes.

Guest article by Ross and Estelle Cashmore

Top stories from the previous issue.
Carnival Music Karate Club Meet
Summer Drama Program Patsy's Seaside Villas

Anguilla Local News



Bob Green

Our villa on Shoal Bay: Bellamare.

And ten minutes away, our villa in St Barths.

© 1998