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Book Signing!! A New Book on Anguilla

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A new and complete book on Anguilla has been published in the Macmillan Caribbean series, Anguilla--Tranquil Isle of the Caribbean. This impressive book is 138 pages long with many color pictures. It covers everything from Beaches and History to Culture and Wildlife. The book is a tourist book, but much more--a thorough introduction to Anguilla.

One of the best sections is the description of Anguilla's national sport, boat racing. I learned that the traditional Anguillian sailboat with no decking and about 25 feet long, also has "no external ballast on the hull--instead large smooth rocks, iron, lead or bags of sand are used...Sometimes ballast has to be thrown overboard during a race and even one of the crew may receive this treatment." In the section on Anguilla's unusual revolution to avoid becoming independent as part of St Kitts there is a picture of a Royal airforce plane transporting part of the British invasion force. The book is packed with these little details.

There is no mystery about why Anguilla, Tranquil Isle of the Caribbean is so detailed. It was written by two Anguillans: Brenda Carty, who also writes excellent Anguilla news coverage for the St Martin Daily Herald, and historian Colville Petty who wrote the historical, political and constitutional portions of the book.

Update: you can now order this book on the Net.

Anguilla, Tranquil Isle of the Caribbean is published by Macmillan Education Ltd., London, 1997. ISBN 0-333-65966-X. The UK price is 10.95 pounds. The book is for sale in Anguilla at US$20. We couldn't find a copy at Amazon.Com, so it probably isn't available in the USA. But you can order a copy from the Anguilla Drug Store by calling 264-497-2738 and Olive Hodge will mail it to you (her son Kennedy is the wholesaler for the book in Anguilla and was MC of the book launch cocktail party). Mail service from Anguilla to the USA is quite good, about 7 to 14 days. Mail service from the USA to Anguilla is completely unpredictable, since many letters are misdirected to Antigua, Angola, Guyana and the Phillipines.

This book is the newest in Macmillan Caribbean's incredible series. There are books on each island, on flowers, trees, sea life, butterflies and so on.

 Revised: 2000/3/13

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