Anguilla Diary: January 9 to February 4, 2001
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Here is a day-by-day compendium of
news items, as we gathered them - starting with the most recent.
Sunday, February 04, 2001
Royal Palms.
Mycaribbean.com has nice pages for these air-conditioned holiday apartments in South Hill
with swimming pool ($235-$285 in high season). For 2 bd, 1 ba,
Click Here
and for 2 bd, 2ba, Click Here.
Sandy Deep.
Thomas Peabody (peabodyt@anguillanet.com) has renovated his old
dive shop building in Sandy Ground (across from the Pumphouse) and is
opening it as a beach and snorkelling shop - charter service to follow when his
new boat is ready. Old friends and the newly curious are invited to drop by and say hello.
Trip Report.
Molly Crawley (molly@eps-design.com)
writes: Greetings!
We spent almost 2 weeks on Anguilla and loved the people, stayed at the Allamanda, and it has the prettiest beaches in all our travels to most Caribbean islands. We chose Anguilla because of the quiet and beauty...."Pressure King" was most hospitable and we had lots of fun at Ernie's - the crayfish was the best meal we had! Tell him we said hello! Molly & Alan
Adorable Puppies and Kittens Needing Loving Homes!
The following animals are available immediately to a good home FREE OF CHARGE!
Two very sweet female kittens are available.
They are approximately 6 to 8 weeks old and are very playful and lovable.
5 puppies approximately 6 weeks of age are seeking homes. There
are 4 females and 1 male. All are very friendly and full of cuddles.
Plus 1 female puppy approximately 8 weeks old. Colors are white, beige
and black. She is very comfortable around people and very friendly.
Please Contact Amy at Morlen's Veterinary Clinic,
264-497- 4600.
Saturday, February 03, 2001
Police Launch On the Rocks.
The Anguilla police launch "Dolphin" broke her moorings and ran aground.
Read about it in The Daily Herald:
Click Here.
Friday, February 02, 2001
Arts Awards Banquet.
The Fourth Annual Sunshine Theatre Company Awards Banquet
honours those in the community who have made contributions to
the arts. This year the dinner and party will be at Anguilla Great
House Beach Resort, Saturday, February 10, 7pm. Dinner is
$40 US and dress is formal. If you can't find a ticket, try
Mona Harrigan.
Secret Unveiling, Feb 17.
There will be a special ceremony and unveiling of works
from "Jocahu" on February 17, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. We can't tell
you what will be unveiled, but have it on good authority that
it will be worth your while to attend. Location is Cheddie's Carving
Studio on the West End road. Everyone invited.
Bankie Banx New Website
is called www.dunepreserve.com with loads of pictures and
even streaming audio clips, plus information on the Moonsplash 2001
celebration: Click Here.
Wednesday, January 31, 2001
Aerial Photos.
This web site has aerial photos of the Caribbean, including
Anguilla: Click Here.
Tuesday, January 30, 2001
Boston Globe Article on Anguilla appeared on their
web site January 28, 2001:
"Generally I prefer lush, high Caribbean islands, but over the years I had listened to friends enthuse about Anguilla's special mix of friendliness, sand, and sunshine. Finally I had to check it out."
Click Here.
P.S. Don't believe what she says about 10,000 hotel rooms - Anguilla has closer to a tenth of that.
Monday, January 29, 2001
Sea View Apartments, Sandy Ground.
This small place is right across the street from the beach.
Recently Violet and Sherma have upgraded the facility and
added Cable TV. Rates for 2001 are $60-$75 for 1bd, $110 for 2 bd.
Visit their web site: Click Here.
Samantha and Vince.
See their wedding pictures: Click Here.
They built a tiny cottage and a gazebo near Shoal Bay and moved into it in last year. Now they
are building a dome for Vince's office and
his doc.com company. You
can see pictures of the cottage which is across the street from Milly's Inn
(owned by Samantha's mother Milly):
Click Here.
Sunday, January 28, 2001
Flight Deck. A new bar and restaurant has opened up on
the hill next to the airport. Live music on Friday and Saturday night (there was
large crowd for High Tension band last Friday night).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner served. Local cuisine. Closed on
Tuesdays. 264.497.2835
Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition.
The annual show and fair on the grounds of the Agriculture
Department in The Valley will be held on Feb 9 and 10, 2001.
Always a lot of fun, read about previous fairs:
Click Here.
La Veranda Restaurant. Music by Sunset Touch,
7pm Tuesdays and 8pm Thursdays.
Friday, January 26, 2001
Shoal Bay Hotel.
Here are some pictures taken today, January 26, 2001, of their
new pool area. Read about their upgrade.
Blue Gates Villa.
Located on Isaacs Cliff, Blue Gates is a elegantly simple 2 bedroom villa with swimming pool. You can see the
sign for Blue Gates and the villa in the distance at the turn off for Cuisinart.
Click Here.
Paradise Cove Drinks By the Pool.
From the Post Office bulletin board: Paradise Cove
Friday Sundowner's, Poolside Bar, 5pm until whenever, Complimentary hors d'ouevres,
cash bar, light music. [They have a beautiful pool and gardens.]
Thursday, January 25, 2001
Good News! Margaret, our well-known Registered Reflexologist Practicioner and
Certified Foot Care Nurse (the equvalent of a Chiropodist) is now practicing
"Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage",
a very gentle detoxifying, cleansing and therapeutic massage.
Draining the lymphatic system of excess fluid and instigating
the healing mechanism in the body. Also in reflexology, many people have been
helped with relief of back problems, either stress-related or acute and chronic conditions.
No matter whether one is stressed out or have a problem, Reflexology will Relax, Restore
and Rejuvenate. Make an appointment when you come to Anguilla. Call
1.264.497.5798 or email margaret1863@hotmail.com - web site
at massage.ai: Click Here.
Hermit Crabs. These interesting creatures make their home
in the discarded shells of other animals. When they outgrow their home,
they find a new, larger one. Pictures courtesy Bethany Marks-Riskin
Rent Some Sunshine.
Long Pond Condos are under construction on the south coast
between The Valley and Sandy Hill Bay. The condos are for
sale, of course, but also the owner is
offering Pre-Construction Rentals which include everything: daily maid service, government tax, service charge, security and utilities. Rent a place in the sun for a year and use it for yourself, your clients, your family, or your friends
Click Here.
Devonish Gallery Show.
An exhibition of paintings by Lynne Bernbaum, sculpture and ceramics by
Courtney Devonish, and bead jewelry by Carrolle Devonish.
Opening reception. Saturday February 3, 2001. 5:30 to 7:30 pm. West
End Road. Exhibition continues through Feb 23. For more information,
call 264.497.2949
Tuesday, January 23, 2001
Terra Firma Villa.
Francine and Peter have a unique villa for sale on the waterfront east of
the fishing village of Island Harbour (actually, it is the most northeasterly house in Anguilla).
Luxurious: swimming pool,
a full acre of land, views in 3 directions, two bedrooms plus a separate guest studio, ...
visit their web site:
Click Here.
Note: this web site was down as of Feb 9, 2001
Easter Monday Boat Races.
Jackie Cestero has an enjoyable pictorial essay on following the racing sail boats
on Shoal Bay Scuba's "Reef Quest": Click Here.
Monday, January 22, 2001
Stories From The Daily Herald.
This paper published in St. Maarten often has stories about Anguilla, some of
which make it to their web site:
- Dolphins arrive at dolphin pool: Click Here.
- Fleming disagrees with legalizing homosexuality: Click Here.
- New computerized accounting system: Click Here.
Saturday, January 20, 2001
Annual Garden Party.
St. Gerard's Church is holding their annual garden party again this year
and it is a great chance for visitors to mix with local residents.
18th Annual West Indian Garden Party
on the Lawn of Wallblake House
24th February 2001, Saturday, Bar Opens 6:30 pm --Dinner Served
7:30-9:30 pm
Tickets US $ 20 (Children under 12 years are 1/2 price at the door)
Fabulous West Indian Cuisine, dessert, and a fruit punch
To see what the garden party is like: Click Here.
Away from it all, but still in touch.
Splash! Villa is pleased to offer guests internet/email service as well as fax facilities. Check out their web site at
splash.ai: Click Here.
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
Single Handed Boat Trip to Anguilla.
On December 2, Steve Donahue left Baltimore on his 34' sailboat "Juluca" to single hand to Anguilla.
It will be either 4 or 5 legs, with the first leg (Baltimore to Charleston) complete on Dec. 13. He left Charleston on the way to Fort Lauderdale and will leave the boat there for a few weeks before heading down through the Bahamas.
Steve started a webpage "Log" for the first leg, and is continuing it with the rest of the trip:
Click Here.

Blue Waters Waterfront Apartments.
This popular resort in the West End has very nice
landscaping this season, probably due to the
fact that there was no hurricane. This picture was
taken in January, 2001. They don't have a web page,
but you can read more about them in
the new: Click Here.
Sunshine Theatre produces
Ramona King's comedic folktale "Steal Away" January 12-13 and 19-20
at Ruthwill Auditorium in The Valley. Directed by Felix Fleming. Tickets
EC$20 from Anguilla Drug Store or Keene Enterprises, EC$25 at the door.
Starts sharp at 8:05pm and Felix means it.
Tuesday, January 09, 2001
New Stamp Issues. The Anguilla Postal Service has
issued new stamps commemorating the 15th anniversary of the National
Bank of Anguilla, the sailboat De Chan, and the annual primary school soccer competition:
Click Here.
Revised: 2001/2/9
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