Anguilla News

Rafe's Overlook Barbecue   Site Map   Click to enlarge pictures

[Rafe's. Click for full-size image] Looking for an inexpensive local experience with a view? Rafe's joint is one of the best bargains on Anguilla and a fun place too. The menu is simple: drinks from the bar, ribs, chicken, and garlic bread from the barbecue pit. You pay your money at the bar and pick up your food from the barbecue. The decor is driftwood, galvanized roof, and cast off chairs, tables and benches. The prices are great: ribs for US$4, garlic bread for $1. The location is wonderful: on the back road cliff overlooking Sandy Ground and Road Bay, you can even hear Johnno's music from a mile away. [Here is a picture of the view]

The clientele is varied. You never know who you will see at Rafe's: tourists, construction workers, waiters stopping in for a late-night after-dinner drink, expatriates, artists, business meetings, artists, Goverment officials. The hours are long: food is available at Rafe's from about 7PM on most nights and they stay open until the wee hours -- this is where tired party folk gather after Johnnos and the Pump House and the Disco have closed!

How to find Rafe's? It is located on the one-way road the runs along the cliff above Mariners Cliffside Resort. This road starts in South Hill west of the Light House Chinese Restaurant and joins the main road again at the Bethel Methodist Church. Turn away from St. Martin one block west of the Chinese restaurant (there is a mirror on the corner and a tiny sign for Rafe's). If you have been drinking, don't get too close to the cliff -- there is no railing and one regular has fallen off the cliff late at night.

 Revised: December 27, 1999

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