Anguilla Diary: June 4 to July 1, 2001
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Here is a day-by-day compendium of
news items, as we gathered them - starting with the most recent.
Thursday, June 28, 2001
Hurricane Season: Deluxe Tracking Maps.
The season officially started on June 1st and ends on December 1st, although the month
with the most hurricanes in September. Click the link above if you need a deluxe map for
tracking the storms (and yes, the map does show Anguilla).
Romantic Getaway
Splash! Villa announces a vacation package consisting of
7 nights accommodation,
Chilled champagne upon arrival,
A Red Rose for the Lady,
Two 30 minute deep tissue massages,
A Selection of Complimentary Pampering Amenities,
(�Massage oils, candles and other delights�)
First day�s breakfast stock.
US$1,699 plus 8% government tax (from October 1, 2001 government tax is 10%)
per couple per week.
Splash! villa has
3 cosy bedrooms�.Private pool�.Jacuzzi for two in master suite�. Lovely views of St. Martin and the Caribbean Sea�Hammock�.Barbecue grills�Internet and fax access�.All the modern conveniences�.Maid service and more.
Restrictions: Non commissionable. Valid: April 15 � Dec. 14, 2001.
For more details contact Janine at edwards@anguillanet.com or
check http://splash.ai or
Tel. 264-497-3666 (Evenings) 264-235-3666 (Cell) Fax 264-497-2262
Apple Theatre Company Web Site
Tony Rust (tony@theaterweb.com) writes:
Last summer I brought my family down Anguilla way and directed CHILDREN OF
EDEN for the Apple Theater Company at the end of July (with Eleanor Stacey,
our producer). We are all coming back again, and will arrive this coming
I've just set up a little web site, with some pictures from last summer as
well as our publicity for this years show ONCE UPON AN ISLAND. (There's also
a links page that currently only has my 2 sites and a link to your great
For more information on the young people's Apple Theatre Company,
Click Here.
Tuesday, June 26, 2001
Gone Fishin' 2001.
Here is a list from the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association of summer
closing dates for hotels and restaurants.
Monday, June 25, 2001
Family Vacation Pictures
from a stay at Cap Juluca. Nice shots.
Why Not Spend 5 Months in Anguilla?
Charming villa for rent in Little Harbour. Great sea views. Pool. Fully furnished. 2 bed/ 2 bath.
Available July 1 - November 30, 2001. Enquiries, email edwards@anguillanet.com
Sunday, June 24, 2001
More Adorable Puppies and
Dogs Available
from the Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation.
Friday, June 22, 2001
Play: "You, The Jury".
Ruthwill Auditorium, July 6-7, 13-14, 8:05pm. $25 EC at the door.
Community Happenings
Would you like to improve your craft skills and earn some money at the same time? Well here is your opportunity. The National Council of Women will be sponsoring a Pottery and Ceramics Workshop from July 16 through August 3, 2001 at the Arts & Craft Shop. For further information please contact any of the following members of the council: Celestine John (Tel. 497-2260), Ernie Hodge-Carty (497-2145), Yolande Richardson (497-6517) or Ivy Baptiste (497-3588).
The Royal Anguilla Police Force Community Choir presents a Gospel Concert on Sunday 1st July at St. Mary�s Anglican Church starting at 7:30pm. Admission: EC$10.
The Anguilla National Creative Arts Association and the Anguilla Development Board announces its annual summer sewing programme. In four weeks you can learn to sew your own clothing, bedspreads, shams and make lots of craft items. The course begins on Monday July 9th and ends on Friday August 4th. The course for both adults and children. Contact Anita Martin-Ruan or Bernice Fahie-Richardson at telephone number 497-3416 for further information and application forms. The Anguilla National Creative Arts Association would like to thank the Anguilla Development Board for sponsoring 20 children for this year�s programme.
Sunday, June 17, 2001
Netball Sports for Girls.
Teacher Art and Teacher Allison are reviving Netball teams for girls
between 10 and 15. Netball is a game similar to basketball that used
to be played in Anguilla, but had died out. Organization meeting is
Thursday, June 21, 4:30pm at West End Community Hall. 497-2369. 497-5056.
Harlem Wizards: July 20, 2001.
This magical basketball team will be battling it out with a local team
at the basketball complex next to Ashley's in The Valley. 8pm US$12 for
adults, US$10 for Mipdren. Presented by the Royal Anguilla Police Welware Association.
Plans are complete for this summers environmental camp program. Click the link above to read
about previous camps. The 42 campers have been selected
from the seven primary schools in Anguilla. Campers will be out selling raffle tickets for a trip
to San Juan, donated by American Eagle. The camp would like to thank all the sponsors in the community.
Also twenty students who participated in previous camps are also involved in a project to
paint two wall murals at Road Primary School. The work, which will interpret Anguilla's environment,
is supervised by Teacher Shelagh and artist Lydia Semeria.
The mural design will be transferred to the walls using grids prepared by artists Lynne
Bernbaum and Dian Samuel.
Saturday, June 16, 2001
Click the link above to see new stamps from the Anguilla Postal Service.
Click the link above for this year's budget speach.
Click this link for info on the Senior Basketball League 2001.
Mary Ann's tropical construction web site has been updated
with more pictures of the colored stucco, plus pictures of
the tile work in the master bath, powder room and living room.
Also two new recommended books.

Thomas Peabody launched his new charter boat, Sandy Deep, yesterday at Sandy Ground.
The boat was built by Rebel Marine, Anguilla. They will use her for chartering snorkel trips, fishing and private dive guiding. Her length is 26' and she is powered by twin Evinrude 90 horsepower outboards.
For more pictures, click the link above.
Friday, June 15, 2001
Jazz Show at LA Cafe. The L.A. Cafe Nightclub
has scheduled a jazz show for July 6, 2001.
Professional O.C.R. Reflexology Course.
Anguilla is hosting an intensive Basic Foot Reflexology Course, leading to a certificate
from the Ontario College of Reflexology. The course last 17 or 24 weeks (depending on days per week),
starts August 15, 2001 and costs $600 US. Teacher Margaret Ouwehand (massage.ai)
can be reached at margaret1863@hotmail.com or
264.497.5798. Applications must be received by July 15th.
Compuserve Anguilla Forum Shutting Down.
Compuserve is consolidating some of the on-line discussion forums that it
maintains and the Anguilla/Statia forum is one of the casualties.
Thursday, June 14, 2001
Click the link above for The Daily Herald story on a new telecom policy, or
click here to read the policy on the gov.ai web site.
Wednesday, June 13, 2001
Jackie Pascher (jackiep@anguillanet.com) has island homes and property for sale. Jackie has lived on
Anguilla a long time (she was here when I arrived!). Why not browse her web site to see what is available.
Organizers, Mitchelle Lake and Damien Hughes will be conducting a summer
tennis program at the Webster's Park from July 9th through 27th. The main
objectives of the program are to develop and enhance one's tennis skills and
to provide a better understanding about the fundamentals of the sport while
encouraging exemplary sportsmanship.
Children between the ages of 6 and 17
are invited to attend. The sessions will begin at 8:30am through 12 noon.
There will be a registration fee of US$10.00 per child. There will also be a
special week of tennis from July 22nd through 27th an Malliouhana Hotel.
Professional coaches from the United States will be on-hand to assist with
the coaching sessions. These sessions will run from 9:00am through 12 noon.
Transportation will be provided for the participants. Kids, don't miss this
year's tennis camp. it promises to be lots of fun. See you there!!!!
Charles and Adele Gould now have a web site for their villa at Little Harbour. If you don't have Macromedia installed, just
click the Details link.
David K Shroyer (david@theshroyers.com) just returned from a trip to Anguilla with his wife
and created a web site with lots of excellent pictures, plus music. He has an extensive picture tour
of Blue Waters apartments on Shoal Bay East, a first on the Internet.
Sunday, June 10, 2001

Sparky Needs a Home.
News bulletin from the Animal Rescue Foundation:
Sparky is an approximately 8-month old male brown mixed breed dog that was rescued by a family in January of this year. They are leaving the island on June 30th and will not be able to take him with them. They seek a very good and loving home for Sparky. He has been extremely well cared for and is a great family dog that loves kids. Sparky has had all vaccinations for 2001.
If you are interested in giving Sparky a great home, call Jeanette at work from 9am to 5 pm 497-0433 or after 5 pm at 497-4788
Friday, June 08, 2001
Report on Extension of Wallblake Airport,
from The Daily Herald.
Radio ZIF Returns After Nine Months, from The Daily Herald.
Work starts on extension at
Caribbean Commercial Bank, from The Daily Herald.
Thursday, June 07, 2001
The Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation has published a newsletter that is on their web site at
the link above. It includes a lot of information, including how to bring your pet with you when
you come to Anguilla.
AARF currently has 4 dogs/puppies and 2 kittens waiting to be placed in loving homes. Check out these great pets at
AARF Pet Adoption page.
AARF also has a Wish List of items that would be helpful in caring for the animals. If you have any of these items and would like to share, please drop them by the clinic.
Revised: 2001/6/30
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