Anguilla Local News

Anguilla's First Theme Park

  From the Anguilla Local News - Site Map.

[Click for larger view of Sydney's] Sydney Gumbs has fixed up a small old-time wooden house as it would have looked fifty years ago. The home is quaint, attractive, with careful attention paid to details, such as a rag-stuff mattress on the bed, and contains unique items such as the demijohns that the smugglers used to carry rum (to find out about demijohns, read David Carty's new book on boat racing). Interior photograph of the house.

On Grand Opening Day, May 10th, Sydney posed for a closeup photo with the sugar cane he had cut for the occasion. Sydney's sister once lived in the house for 15 years, so he remembers how it used to be. Every item in the house has a story behind it and Sydney knows them all. For example, the white cloth bag on the floor in the corner. Sydney explained to me that people used to keep all their clothes folded in a bag in the old days, instead of in a dress. If a couple had a spat, the wife could always pick up her bag and be gone in a minute. 264-497-2135. And he has genuine Anguillian Hot Sauce for sale. Located George Hill, main road (used to be the drive-up Hagen Daz ice cream). Open 10 to 8.

First we had no museums on Anguilla, now we have three. The Heritage Collection, and the National Trust exhibit on the Revolution, and now Sydney's Historical House.  Revised: September 28, 1997

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Anguilla Local News